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Pineapple garden

লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যানে প্রবেশ করতেই আনারস গাছগুলো নিচ থেকে টিলার উপবে এমন ভাবে গিয়ে  উঠেছে দূর থেকে মনে হবে যেন একদল পিপিলিকা (ডানা মেলে ) সারি বেঁধে উপরে উঠছে ।


As soon as you enter Lauyachhara National Park, you will see pineapple orchards. Let's go up to the top and see as far as the eye can see. If you want to take pineapple, you can get it there. Build a friendly relationship with the caretaker of the pineapple garden and you will see that he is happy to hand you a couple of pineapples. Give them some tips because they are very poor, maybe they don't want to take it but try.