If you don't visit Shyamoli or Lauyachhara and don't feel the deep fizz area of Shyamoli, your dissatisfaction with Srimangal trip will remain. No matter how hot it is during the day, your winter will be unbearable as soon as you reach the Deep Fizap area of Shyamoli. This place has fallen up to half a kilo on both sides of Shyamoli Shed of Srimangal Bhanugach paved road. When you go to Lauyachhara by car, the Deep Fizap Area will start as soon as you enter a little inside the dense forest. However, the heat level in the thick Lauyachhara area is very low. This part is called Deep Fizzap Area of Shyamoli as the heat level is very low in half a kilo area on both sides of Shyamoli.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS